hydrology.nl | |
IWRM- German Ministry Programme | |
AquaPlus Lable and trophy |
The Aquaplus label and the trophy result from a process of sustainable development throughout the continuum of the water cycle and they... |
World Resources Institute - Water... |
http://www.wri.org/project/water-quality-trading -Research and design payments for ecosystem services that can improve water quality more efficiently and cost-effectively. |
Economic governance to expand... |
De Blaeij, A. T., N. Polman, and S. Reinhard. 2011. Economic governance to expand commercial wetlands: within- and cross-scale challenges. Ecology and Society 16(1): 33.[online] URL:... |
Economic Valuation of Water... |
http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5582e/y5582e04.htm#TopOfPage Agriculture has, arguably, been very successful at capturing the major share of the... |
The Economics Network |
http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/books/EnvironmentalEconomicsand.htmBooks on Environmental Economics and Sustainability |
Sustainable Sanitation and water... |
SUSTAINABLE SANITATION AND WATER MANAGEMENT TOOLBOX an integrative tool for capacity development on the local level ... |
World Bank Publications - Water... |
http://publications.worldbank.org/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&subject=Water%20Resources |
www.wikihydro.org |
De nombreux acteurs interviennent dans la gestion de l'eau, exerçant des métiers à forte technicité qui évoluent rapidement grâce aux progrès des sciences et des techniques. Cette transformation incessante qui s'est accélérée ces dernières... |
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